Rector - Самарский ГАУ


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Alexander Mikhailovich
rector of the FSBEI HE Samara State Agricultural University
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor,
born on September the 19th, 1966 in village Borskoje, Kuibyshev region, Russian Federation citizen.
In 1988 he graduated with honors Kuibyshev Agricultural Institute, specializing in mechanization of agriculture.
During his studies at the institute he actively participated in public life. He was selected the  Komsomol leader of the group, then course, and later faculty. In 1988 he was elected the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Kuibyshev Agricultural Institute.
He completed the full-time post-graduate course of the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after M.I. Kalinin. In 1994 he defended his thesis of candidate of technical sciences.
In the period from 1995 to 2003 he worked as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
In 1997 the Russian Federation Ministry of General and Professional Education awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. In 2007 the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science awarded him a title of a professor.
A.M.Petrov has 24 years experience of scientific and pedagogical work, including 20 years in higher educational institution.
From 2003 to 2013 he worked as a vice - rector for the academic work of the Samara State Agricultural Academy. Deputy chairman of the Academic Board, chairman of the educational-methodological Board and a member of the scientific and technical council of the Samara State Agricultural Academy.
For the period of his being a vice-rector  the Samara State Agricultural Academy  received the right to implement 35 programs of higher professional education (bachelor's degree, master's program and diploma), 2 additional programs for higher education and 13 vocational training programs.
Since 2006, he has been acting as the head of the department "Agricultural machines". During this period, the department became the best among the other departments of the Faculty of Engineering and the Academy (the winner of the ranking among the specialized departments in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). At the department there are 3 new specialized training workshops for studying modern domestic and foreign implements and tools. That was achieved due to the developed up-to-date cooperation with «Rostselmash», «Amazone-Eurotechnica», and «Trimble».
In 2013 – he has been elected a rector of the FSBEI HVE Samara State Agricultural Academy and since that time he holds the position of the chief scientific editor of the journal “Bulletin of SSAA”.
Interests are sports, reading.
A.M.Petrov conducts research work on improving seeding systems of seeding machines. The creative team of students and post-graduate students headed by him created and tested four experimental samples of seeders that successfully passed field research. Under his scientific guidance, five candidates of technical sciences have been trained. There have been published more than 75 scientific papers, 2 manuals under the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture regulatory, more than 30 educational and methodological textbooks and there were received 12 patents for inventions.
He has been elected the deputy of the Kinel town Duma for the third time (2008, 2010, 2015). Nowadays he takes the position of Kinel municipality Duma chairman.
He is married and has a family.
Interests are sports, reading.
For his professional achievements, he was awarded diplomas of the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture , the Samara Region Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and a Sign ”Honored Employee of Higher Vocational Education” of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science ".
Секретарь руководителя 
Giltsova A.N.
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ФГБОУ ВО Самарский ГАУ
Адрес: 446442, Самарская область, г. Кинель, п.г.т. Усть-Кинельский, ул. Учебная, д. 1
Учебный корпус №1, 2 этаж



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