English - Самарский ГАУ



 Samara State Agrarian University (SSAA) is an integral training, scientific, methodological and technological institution in the agro-industrial complex of Russia; it produces university degree specialists , provides qualification promotion courses for specialists with university degrees and upgrading for managers, specialists and researchers from agricultural sector, universities and research centers as well as carrying out of the fundamental and applied scientific research.

 SSAA offers the following specializations (programs):

  • agronomy
  • agrochemistry and soil science
  • fruit-growing and viticulture
  • forage production
  • plant protection
  • animal science
  • animal selection and genetics
  • bee-keeping
  • veterinary science
  • mechanization of agriculture
  • professional education (agroengineering)
  • machinery service technology
  • production and processing of agricultural products
  • storage and processing of plant-growing produce
  • expertise of foodstuffs
  • economics and production management (different branches)
  • accounting and auditing
  • agricultural economics
 Annually the University produces around 500 highly qualified specialists for agriculture of Russian Federation and CIS.

 SSAA comprises 8 departments, 40 chairs, 3 laboratories, 1 research division that includes 7 laboratories and an experimental farm with the overall area of about 6,000 ha. Only 1 specialized scientific council is functioning in the University (Crop Production and protection).

 The University is financed from the federal budget, extrabudgetary sources, proceeds from scientific and technological contracts, as well as from international and national grants.

 The University is managed on the basis of its Ustav (Charter). Overall management is carried out by the Scientific Council (Board-as a legislative body of the institution) of the University with the Rector of the University  at its head. The Rector is responsible for day-to-day management of the University. He organizes the activities of the Rector's Office, other administrative bodies of the University and its components taking into account decisions of the Scientific Council. The Rector represents the University  in various bodies and institutions, has the right to make the contracts, is in charge of property, open bank accounts, approves and introduces the staff changes. Departments are managed by deans in compliance with the decisions taken by the Scientific Council of the University  and respective department. 

SSAA Development Major Goals
 The leading factor that will mainly determine the SSAA development strategy in the nearest future is the strengthening of the material basis. The greater emphasis is laid upon the simulating training equipment. The project approach of the equipment supply is considered to be the most appropriate one on carrying out the applications of various departments.

 In the oncoming future all institutions of higher education will inevitably face the problem of drawing school leavers to get enrolled within a particular university. It becomes absolutely obvious that the major purpose of SSAA under the circumstances is to carry out the efficient popularization work. To fulfill the purpose seems to be probable provided a complex approach is applied. It comprises carrying out of the supplementary courses on the basis of the University, setting up of the University branches within the regions with the applied information about it, conducting numerous meeting between the rector and other representatives of the University on one side and the school leavers on the other.

 An important direction in the development of SSAA has become participation in the process of retraining and specialists qualification improvement (upgrading). 

Research Trends (only animal science as specially requested)
  • Domestic animals organisms development and adaptation ability ecology morphological examination.( professor Baymishev)
  • Selection modern technologies application within the White Big Estonian type breed and productivity features improvement in Samara region.( professor Ukhtverov)
  • Black- and-white and Bestuzshev livestock breed selection due to intensive technologies suitability and livestock leucosis resistance on the farms of Samara region.( professor Karamajev)
  • Scientifically approved cattle fattening types development within conventional and uniformed fattening systems.(professor Iskrin)
  • Samarskiy type Saanen goat breed raising.( doctor Zatejev)
  • Scientific and industrial basis of beef cattle production in Samara region for the efficient beef production and hard leather raw material.( doctor Khakimov)
  • Transmission, Diagnostic, Curing and prevention methods of calves and pigs factors' diseases in various ownership form farms of Samara region.( professor Salimov)
  • Probiotic preparations application for curing and prevention of young farm animals diseases.(professor Baimishev, doctor Vorobjev)
  • To develop research work within SSAA the major scientists of the University participate in the leading regional and federal research projects and programmes.

 Regarding the existing financial sources of SSAA at the current period of time, it becomes absolutely obvious that this particular educational institution is not capable of reaching the goal without external assistance. However, it should be stated that within Samara region there exists a whole complex of research and educational institutions that pretty successfully carry out the development of agricultural production in various directions. At the moment the Administration of Samara region is intensively working on the juridical and financial aspects of the reciprocity between the educational institutions of different levels of professional education and the leading research centers. The newly established interaction will allow fully to use the existing scientific and educational potential as well as the technical basis of the institutions that will participate within the association called Samara Agrarian University Complex (SAUC).

 Samarskaya Goubernskaya Duma has established the law for Samara region to approve and support the development of the oblast programme called "Setting up of the skilled personnel potential in the agroindustrial complex of Samara region" for the time period 2003-2005. 

International Activity
 Development of international activity is considered to be one of the leading factors mostly supporting and stimulating the process of qualification upgrading. The integration of agricultural education into the world educational system supplies the University with a wide range of activities including the modernization and improvement of the existing curriculums as well as technical reequipment of the teaching process on applying modern educational technologies.  Foreign Partners of the University are:
  • Hohenheim University ( Germany,Stutgart)
  • Technical University( Germany,Munchen)
  • University of Gottingen(Germany)
  • Humbold University(Germany)
  • Poznan Agrouniversity( Poland)
  • University of Calgary, OLDS College(Canada)
  • University of Colorado State
 Project and international programs Activities:
  • CIDA( Gorbachev Foundation-Canada)
  • USDA( Faculty exchange program)
  • TACIS ( EU)
  • Transform ( Germany Ministry of Agriculture)
  • DAAD
 An active process of developing different formats of integration between training and research institutions (universities first of all) and branch science and enterprises provides all conditions for blending together scientific and research activities with science-intensive industry and personnel development necessary for operation of this and similar structures.

 Setting up of a University Complex will considerably extend the existing opportunities of SSAA as well as will offer a wide range of new ones. Among the first activities to be done are the following:

  • Working out the integrated curriculums for primary, secondary and higher professional education.
  • Working out the curriculums on agricultural economics, marketing and management in agrobusiness
  • Working out the curriculums and methodical supplement on the new professions and specializations
  • Renewal of the book stock in the SSAA central library
  • Setting up the single information space between the University and its main partners
  • Modernization of the central library and making up the mediateque
  • Setting up the Marketing Service Center (needs assessment analysis)
  • Setting up the Foreign Languages Center



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