Instruction for referee on drawing up reviews of the scientific articles for the journal «Izvestiya of Samara State Agricultural Academy»
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Создано 21.08.2014 13:06
Просмотров: 3867
Review should contain the article title, full author(s) name, (co-authors’ as well), place of work, degree and rank.
The review should reflect:
novelty of research or issues (theoretical Article);
correctness of research methodology chosen by the authors;
contribution of the authors to solve the stated problem ( task);
accordance of level of presentation to modern achievements of science and technology;
accuracy of the research (statistical method for data processing, etc.);
accordance of findings (results) to targets;
references list and accuracy of the references;
list of notes with their justification.
Review should end with one of the three options below:
The article is written in scientific language, with evidence, presented arguments and empirical data do not raise doubt. It clearly indicates author's personal contribution to the solution of the stated scientific problem. The article is recommended for publication in the journal.
The text of the article is of high professional level, well-structured, clearly laid out, but has a number of shortcomings, after correction is recommended for publication in the journal.
The material is presented inconsistently requires substantial editorial correction and does not carry the original character. It is not recommended for publication.
A review should be signed by the reviewer, indicating its academic rank and position, as well as certified by the chief of personnel department.
Each review should have paper and electronic version.